Academic Council
The Academic Council is a collective body of the University. The Academic Council of the University is headed by its Rector, Prof. T.M Boychuk, the Secretary of the Academic Council of the University is the Academic Secretary I.I. Pavlunyk.
The composition of the Academic Council is formed by the members of the University administration, vice-rectors, deans, chief accountant, chief of the pedagogical department, library director and representatives of the student government of the University, elected representatives, who are elected among the heads of departments, professors and doctors.
The duties of the Academic Council are:
- discussion of the most important issues in the University activities and making decisions on these issues;
- processing, consideration and submission to the rector’s approval projects of regulations for all types of statutory activity, projects for the creation, organization or liquidation of major structural administrative subdivisions and departments;
- submission to the Conference of the staff, as the top public self-governing collegiate body of the University a Statute project as well as changes and amendments to it;
- approval of the financial plan and the report of the University;
- suggestions to the rector as to the appointment and dismissal of pro-rectors, chief accountant and director of the library;
- elections of the heads of the Departments and professors for the post by means of a secret ballot;
- approval of syllabi and curricula;
- approval of decisions on the teaching-educative procedure;
- approval of the basic trends of scientific research;
- evaluation of the scientific-pedagogical activity of the structural subsections;
- making decisions regarding the candidates for the conferment of the academic status of Associate Professor, Professor;
- suggestion or presentation of research projects for national and international awards;
- recommendations regarding the publication of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids etc.;
- making recommendations regarding the participation in contests for the award of state and nominal scholarships, nomination of the authors of textbooks and teaching aids for awards;
- considerations of subjects of dissertations for the degree of Candidate and Doctor of sciences;
- establishing the validity of reasons, duration and number of breaks during the postgraduate / doctoral study;
- recommendations on providing sabbaticals in order to complete the dissertation and to write books;
- reviewing and submitting proposals to the Rector as to the composition and duties of the advisory bodies of the University;
- preparations of proposals on changes in the structure of the University and its departments;
- analysis of the effectiveness of the work performed at the expense of the state budget;
- discussion of the issues of educational work and student self-government.
The Academic Council considers other issues of the University activities in accordance with its Statute.
The decisions of the Academic Council are advisory and come into effect by the Rector’s order.