• Українська
  • English

Specialties and Degrees

Specialties and Degrees Offered

(MD – Medical Doctor Degree, equivalent to MBBS) 

Admission deadlines: November 29

Academic year: September 1-June 30
Period of training: 6 years
Annual tuition fee:

  • instruction in English – 2900$ per year (fee is stable for 1st year) and 4100$ per year (fee is stable for 2nd-6th years)
  • instruction in Ukrainian – 3300$ per year (fee is stable for all 6 years)

(equivalent to Doctor of Dental Medicine, DMD)

Admission deadlines:November 29

Academic year: September 1-June 30
Period of training: 5 years.
Annual tuition fee:

  • instruction in English – 4300$ per year (fee is stable for all 5 years)
  • instruction in Ukrainian – 3800$ per year (fee is stable for all 5 years)

(equivalent to Master Degree in Pharmacy)

Admission deadlines: November 29
Academic year: September 1-June 30
Period of training: 5 years.
Annual tuition fee:

  • instruction in English – 3500$ per year (fee is stable for all 5 years)
  • instruction in Ukrainian – 3300$ per year (fee is stable for all 5 years)

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