The staff of the University encourages all foreign students to take an active part in social and cultural life of the University. It has become a good tradition to organize charity campaigns.
Foreign students always participate in different sports activities and competitions. Each year in spring the Indian Students’ Society organizes cricket competition, which gathers lots of spectators. Some events are held in the University summer camp on the Dniester River in the village of Repuzhyntsi, a favorite place of recreation of both Ukrainian and foreign students.
The largest communities of the University, which are the communities of Indian, Ghanaian, Jordanian and Nigerian students, organize different concerts and events with the aim to show the peculiarities of their culture to a wide University audience.
On the 23rd of February, 2017, the celebration of the Medical Faculty № 3 was held in the University, at which students of all foreign communities made small performances, presenting their cultural traditions. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of India to Ukraine Mr. Manoj Kumar Bharti attended this event during his official visit to Chernivtsi. He also met members of the Indian community and gave a lecture to the University students on “India and the world”.
Foreign students are actively involved in the cultural life of our region. Their national holidays, traditions and festivals make the cultural life of Bukovyna brighter and richer.
Bukovinian State Medical University provides accommodation for all foreign students in one of the four own hostels or in the subordinate hotels, which are “Cheremosh” and “Tourist”. It should be mentioned that one of the hostels is considered to be the girls’ one, as only female students can get rooms there. Students’ hostels contain everything required for studies, everyday life and recreation: an Internet–club, a library, a canteen with cuisines of different countries, cafes, the laundry, the billiard, gym, satellite TV. Students’ relatives can visit them and stay in the guest rooms.
After admission to the University all students are divided into academic groups. Each group is led by a certain tutor – an experienced staff representative with a good command of the English language who helps to adapt to a new country and new conditions, solve problems related to communication and academic difficulties. Our students never have the feeling of being abandoned.
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