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Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy


Specialty 226 Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Professional field 22 Health care
Higher education level Second (Master) level
Degree awarded Master
Educational qualification awarded Master of Medicine
Professional qualification Doctor of Medicine
Form of study Full-time and part-time training is allowed
Term of study Full time training – 5years, part-time – 5 years 6 months
Volume of educational program 300 ECTS credits

Academic right of graduates – on completion of educational and professional program in the specialty “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, a specialist must enter a program of postgraduate education, which is carried out in accordance with current normative and legal requirements, depending on the sphere of activity.

On completion of educational professional program in the specialty “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, a specialist may also apply for a third (educational and scientific) level – a degree of a doctor of philosophy in accordance with current legislation.

Program Competences:

Integral competence is the ability to solve typical and complicated specialized tasks and practical problems in professional activity in the field of health care, or in the process of studying that envisages carrying out investigations and/or realization of innovations and is characterized with complexity and uncertainty of conditions and demands

General competences:

  1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis, ability to study and be taught currently. Ability to act with social responsibility civil consciousness.
  2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
  3. Care for the environmental protection.
  4. Knowledge and understanding of the subject sphere and understanding professional activity.
  5. The spirit of entrepreneurship, the ability to show initiative
  6. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of the profession
  7. Ability to adaptation and action in a new situation.
  8. Ability to communicate in a state language both orally and written form; ability to communicate in a foreign language
  9. Skills of using information and communication technologies
  10. Ability to choose a communication strategy, the ability to work in a team
  11. Ability to assess and ensure the quality of work performed
  12. Ability to conduct research at the appropriate level

Special (professional, subject) competences:

  1. Ability to use the knowledge of normative legal, legislative acts of Ukraine and recommendations of appropriate pharmaceutical practice in professional activity
  2. Ability to carry out activity on development and registration of documentation on clear definition of technological processes of manufacturing and production of medicines in accordance with the rules of appropriate practice
  3. Ability to organize the production activities of pharmacies in the manufacturing of medicinal products in various forms, based on prescriptions of doctors and orders of medical institutions, including the substantiation of technology and selection of auxiliary materials in accordance with the rules of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP)
  4. Ability to organize and participate in the manufacturing of medicines in the pharmaceutical industry, including the choice of technological process with substantiation of the technological process and the choice of appropriate equipment in accordance with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
  5. Ability to organize and carry out the procurement of medicinal plant raw material, taking into account the rational use of medicinal plant resources, to forecast and substantiate ways of solving the problem of preserving and protection the thickets of wild medicinal plants in accordance with the rules of the good practice of cultivation and collection of plant raw material (GACP)
  6. Ability to organize pharmacy activities for provision the population and health care facilities with medicinal products, parapharmaceutical products, medical supplies and medical perfumery and cosmetic products in accordance with the requirements of the National Drug Policy, Good Pharmacy Practice and other organizational and legal norms of pharmaceutical legislation.
  7. Ability to organize the reporting and accounting system (managerial, statistical, accounting and financial) in pharmacy establishments, conduct merchandising analysis, administrative work, documenting and quality management in accordance with regulatory acts of Ukraine
  8. Ability to analyze and forecast the main economic indicators of the pharmacy establishments activity, to make calculations of basic taxes and fees, to form prices for medicines and medical products in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine
  9. Ability to develop, implement and apply management approaches in the professional activities of pharmacies, wholesale intermediaries, manufacturing companies and other pharmaceutical organizations in accordance with the principles of Good Pharmacy Practice and the Global Framework for FIP
  10. Ability to organize and carry out general and marketing management of assortment, innovation, price, marketing and communicative policies of the subjects of the pharmaceutical market on the basis of market research results and taking into account market processes in the national and international markets.
  11. Ability to conduct analysis of socioeconomic processes in pharmacy, forms, methods and functions of the pharmaceutical supply system of the population and its components in world practice, indices of need, efficiency and availability of pharmaceutical aid under the conditions of medical insurance and reimbursement of the cost of medicinal products
  12. Ability to organize, provide and carry out analysis of medicinal products and medicinal plant raw materials in pharmacies and control-analytical laboratories of pharmaceutical enterprises in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia and other regulatory acts
  13. Ability to organize and monitor the quality of medicinal products in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and good practice, to determine the methods of sampling for the control of medicinal products in accordance with the requirements to certify them, to prevent the distribution of counterfeit medicines
  14. Ability to develop methods for quality control of medicinal products, pharmaceutical substances, medicinal plant material and auxiliary substances using physical, physico-chemical, and chemical methods of control
  15. Ability to determine medicinal products and their metabolites in biological fluids and tissues of the body, conduct chemical and toxicological studies for the diagnosis of acute poisoning, narcotic and alcoholic intoxication
  16. Ability to ensure the proper storage of medicinal products and medical devices in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and Good Storage Practice (GSP) rules in health facilities
  17. Ability to monitor the effectiveness and safety of the use of medicinal products by the population according to their clinical and pharmaceutical characteristics, as well as subjective attributes and objective clinical, laboratory and instrumental criteria for patient examination
  18. Ability to ensure the rational use of prescription and over-the-counter medicinal products in accordance with physico-chemical, pharmacological characteristics, biochemical, pathophysiological features of a particular disease and pharmacotherapeutic regimens of its treatment
  19. Ability to provide premedical aid to patients and victims in extreme situations
  20. The ability to provide counseling and pharmaceutical care during the selection and release of an over-the-counter medicinal product by assessing the risk / benefit ratio, compatibility, indications and contraindications based on the health status of a particular patient, taking into account the biopharmaceutical, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and physico-chemical properties of the medicinal product
  21. Ability to conduct sanitary and educational work among the population in order to prevent common diseases of internal organs, prevent dangerous infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as to promote the timely detection and maintenance of adherence to the treatment of these diseases in accordance with their medical and biological characteristics and microbiological characteristics

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