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Specialty 222 Medicine
Professional field 22 Health care
Higher education level Second (Master) level
Degree awarded Master
Educational qualification awarded Master of Medicine
Professional qualification Doctor of Medicine
Form of study Full-time
Term of study 6 years
Volume of educational program 360 ECTS credits
Academic right of graduates For further professional training a specialist should apply for post-graduate programs (Internship, Residency), that implement training according to the curricula for doctors in a specific field; or he/she can apply for the program to obtain PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).

In future specialists can apply for retraining courses and acquire another medical specialty and perform appropriate work in this field.


Employment of graduates

A specialist trained for work according to ДК 009-2010:

Section Q. Health care and giving social aid
Chapter 86.1.          activity of therapeutic institutions
Group 86.10 activity of therapeutic institutions
Class 86.21   general medical training
Class 86.90   other activity in health care

On completion of studies according to the Master’s curriculum on specialty “Medicine” a specialist is able to perform the following professional work:

  • intern (code КП – 3229);
  • trainee (code КП – 3221);
  • resident (code КП – ХХХ).

After training in Internship or Residency a specialist is awarded with the qualification of “Physician in a Certain Specialty”; according to the medical specialty obtained he/she is able to perform professional work indicated in ДК 003: 2010:

Chapter 2 Professionals

Subunit 22 Professionals in the field of science concerning life and medical sciences

Class 222 Professionals in the field of medicine (except nurses)
Subclass 2221 Professionals in the field of doctoring (except dentistry)
Group 2221.2 Physicians
Subclass 2225 Professionals in the field of medical prevention
2225.2 Doctors, specialists in the field of medical prevention
2229.2 Professional in the field of medicine (except nursing and obstetrics)

Professional names of work – according to the National Classification of Ukraine: Classification of Profession ДК 003:2010

Program Competences:

Integral competence is the ability to solve typical and complicated specialized tasks and practical problems in professional activity in the field of health care, or in the process of studying that envisages carrying out investigations and/or realization of innovations and is characterized with complexity and uncertainty of conditions and demands

General competences:

  1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis, ability to study and be taught currently.
  2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
  3. Knowledge and understanding of the subject sphere and understanding professional activity.
  4. Ability to adaptation and action in a new situation.
  5. Ability to draw a substantiated decision; to work in training detachment; skills of interpersonal cooperation
  6. Ability to communicate in a state language both orally and written form; ability to communicate in a foreign language
  7. Skills to use information and communication technologies
  8. Precision and persistence concerning the determined targets and taken duties
  9. Ability to act socially, be responsible and conscious
  10. Aspiration for maintaining environment

Special (professional, subject) competences:

  1. Skills of questioning and clinical examination of a patient
  2. Ability to determine the necessary list of the laboratory and instrumental investigations and estimation of their results
  3. Ability of making provisional and clinical diagnose of a disease
  4. Ability to define the necessary regime of work and rest when treating disease
  5. Ability to determine the character of the diet when treating diseases
  6. Ability to define principles and character of the diseases treatment
  7. Ability to diagnose urgent conditions
  8. Ability to determine the approach of providing emergency cover
  9. Skills of providing emergency cover
  10. Ability to carry out medical evacuation measures
  11. Skills of carrying out medical manipulations
  12. Ability to define the management of conducting physiological pregnancy, physiological labor and afterbirth period. Skills to consult in questions of planning family and choice of contraception method
  13. Ability to conduct sanitary-hygienic and prophylactic measures
  14. Ability to planning and conducting preventive and anti-epidemic measures concerning infectious diseases
  15. Ability to determine the policy of conducting persons who are within regular medical check-up
  16. Ability to carry out working capacity examination
  17. Ability to conduct medical records
  18. Ability to carry out epidemiological and medical-statistical investigations of the population health; processing of the state, social, economic and medical information
  19. Ability to estimate the influence of the environment, social-economic and biological determinants on the condition of health of a person, family, population
  20. Ability to conduct the analysis of activity of a doctor, subdivision, health care institution, carrying out measures concerning provision of medical aid quality and increase of the medical resources use efficacy
  21. Ability to carry out measures as to organization and integration of providing medical aid to the population and conducting marketing of the medical services.

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