On appointment of University instructors as tutors of students’ academic groups of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th , 5th and 6th years.
According to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” tutors are appointed in every academic group from the 1st to 6th year of studies including post-graduate groups.
STATUTE of tutor institute at Bukovinian State Medical University
General principles
1.1.Upbringing work with student academic group is a very important tendency in educational and upbringing activity of a department, faculty and university. Consulting, organizing and methodical supervision is carried into practice by the tutor of the academic group.
1.2. Tutor’s activity is regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine, resolutions of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
1.3. Tutor’s activity is realized in close cooperation with department and dean’s office of the certain faculty, units of the educational department, trade union committee and authority of the student self-government.
1.4. Tutor of the academic group provides implementation of student rights and responsibilities foreseen by the Law of Ukraine “About higher education”, encourages their harmonic development, promotes student skills of the future organizer, leader.
1.5. Tutor of the academic group being a member of professorial and teaching staff is appointed by the rector’s order.
1.6. List of questions that are in tutor competence are agreed with the head of the teaching department.
1.7. Tutor of the academic group collaborates with social organizations whose activity has neither political nor religious character.
2.2 Aim and objectives of the tutor activity of an academic group
2.1. Aim of the tutor activity of an academic group is harmonic cherishing of a personality of the future doctor, pharmaceutist and nurse, providing profound adoption of cultural wealth of the Ukrainian nation, upbringing tolerant interrelation, patriotism, high professional competence, striving to physical perfection, moral-ethic, artistic-ethic, legal, economic and ecologic culture.
2.2. Realization of the educational plan of BMSU during the academic year within academic group level.
2.2.1. Formation of positive motivation to the future profession of doctor, pharmaceutist and nurse, and also responsibility for level of their professional skills and quality of work.
2.2.2. Helping students to study at the university, promotion their self-realization and improvement of their intellectual, cultural potential.
2.2.3. Explanation to the students normative and legal base of educational process in high school, BMSU statute, internal regulations in BMSU, hostel rules and regulations, orders and instructions of the rector concerning study, dwelling, student’s life etc.
2.2.4. Acquaintance with history of the university.
2.2.5. Ensuring of methodical and organizing support to the group leaders who are the members of student’s self-government of the university.
2.2.6. Regular progress and attendance monitoring of academic group, analysis and increase of current and final student progress, cooperation with instructors (teachers) of university departments.
2.2.7. Formation of self-educational and self-control skills and attraction students to scientific-research work.
2.2.8. Giving support in organization and holding of university, public and national events.
2.2.9. Analysis of the student’s personality competence, social status, study conditions, interests, values and hobbies.
2.2.10. Giving support in organization of leisure time, entertaining events.
3.1. General supervision of tutor activity at the university and its coordination is accomplished by Coordination Rada on educational problems ???? headed by the prorector of scientific, pedagogic, educational work and by the head of tutors’ Rada.
3.1.1. The educational and organizing activity is carried by the head of tutors’ Rada appointed by the rector’s order, the corresponding suggestion is given by the prorector of scientific-pedagogic and educational work and proved by the prorector of scientific-educational work. Head of the tutors’ Rada makes a report about educational situation at the meeting board of the university administration.
3.1.2. At the faculty the tutor work is accomplished by the leading tutor, who is appointed by the university order with dean’s approbation within faculty, by associate professor within department.
3.2. Organization of the tutor activity in academic group
3.2.1. For tutor appointment are demanded complete higher scientific-pedagogic or pedagogic education with at least 1 year length of service at BSMU.
3.2.2.Candidate for tutor appointment is discussed and approved on the board meeting of the department; the corresponding presentation is given by the chief of the department to the leading tutor no later than 30 June of the current academic year.
3.2.3. Tutors’ appointment is done by the rector’s order for one academic year and proved at the meeting board of the department; corresponding suggestion is given by the chief of the department no later than 30 June of the current academic year.
3.2.4. Tutor’s activity in fixed in the individual plan of teacher’s work, in section “Organizing work”.
3.2.5.Organising-educational work with students the tutor carries into practice according to the plan approved on the methodical meeting board of the department agreed with leading tutor of faculties, chairman of the tutor’s Rada and deans of the departments.
3.2.6. On questions of organizational and educational work the tutor is subordinated to the Chief of the Department, to the responsible person for educational work at the Department, to the head tutor of the Faculty and the Head of the Tutors Council in the University.
3.2.7. Systematic control of tutor’s work is performed by the Dean’s offices of the Faculties. At the meetings of Scientific Council of the Faculty reports of the Chiefs of Departments about the tutors’ work, tutors’ reports are listened, better experience is studied and extended.
3.2.8. Current control of tutors’ work is performed by the Chiefs of the Departments, by responsible person for educational work at the Department, by the principle tutors of the Faculties.
3.2.9. Tutor’s work of the teacher is taken into account in assessment his competencies and compliance with the post held by re-election for another term.
3.2.10. Exemption a teacher from the liabilities of a tutor is made by the rector’s order on proposal of the vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work and education, of the Head of the Tutors’ Council and in agreement with the Dean of the Faculty and the Chief of the Department.
3.2.11. Fixation of the tutor’s work is held in the tutor’s diary, which is designed in agreement with the vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work and education.
3.3. Organization of the head tutors’ work at the Faculties
3.3.1. The head tutors of the Faculties and their assistants are appointed by the order of the Rector of the University on proposal of the Head of the Tutors’ Council, in agreement with the vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work and education, the vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work, the Deans of the Faculties.
3.3.2. The Head tutors of the Faculty is responsible for the state of educational work with students at the Faculty, creates necessary conditions for work teachers and tutors, gives them organizational an methodological help and controls their work, makes reports to the Scientific Council of Faculties.
4.1. Identification of creative and gifted students: testing, questionnaire, monitoring, conversation, method of expert assessment.
4.2. Forecasting the results of academic, scientific and research, other kinds of students’ activities.
4.3. Program development of individual development and self-development of a creative personality of a student; recommendations to the organization of learning and extracurricular activity.
4.4. Assistance in students’ adaptation to the conditions and requirements of the university education: acquaintance with the history and traditions of the Bukovina State Medical University, excursions to the museums, to the library, to the Departments; meetings with the leading scientists; organization of students’ self study; engaging students to scientific and research activity, to take part in the structures of the student government, organization and conducting Faculty and University events.
4.5. Assistance in development and formation of good features, and also self-criticism.
4.6. Organization of the students’ academic group: to reveal formal and informal leaders of the group; to stave off the conflicts in the group; to define interesting for students creative collective cases and to help in the organization; to spend hours of thematic communication, paying attention to the development of political culture, formation of intelligence, aesthetic taste, moral norms and values, formation of civic position; to promote healthy lifestyle, to prevent the use of alcohol and drugs by the students; to assist students’ participation in the revival of national and cultural traditions, observance the traditions of the Faculties, the University; to study the historical and cultural inheritance of Ukraine; to celebrate national holidays and memorable dates.
5.1. Tutor’s duties of the academic group
5.1. The tutor must adhere the moral and ethical standards during communication with students and bar the dissemination of confidential information, which concerns students of the group.
5.1.1. To cultivate in students a sense of responsibility for the preservation of the property in the classrooms and in the dormitories.
5.1.2. To promote the creation of a group of healthy, moral and psychological climate, establishment of good relations between the students and teachers and employers of the Faculty and the University.
5.1.3. To help students in the formation of an asset group and to assist its effective work.
5.1.4. To acquaint students of group with the history, structure, activities and development perspective of the University and the Faculty.
5.1.5. To give the information about the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process at the University and at the Faculty; decisions of the Scientific Council of the University and Faculty, university administration, orders of the Rector and disposals of the Dean, which concern students.
5.1.6. To acquaint students with the organization of work of the library.
5.1.7. To give recommendations to students about formation their individual educational plans and organization of self study; to control the realization of educational plans by the students: attending lessons, following the terms of passing the modules, credits, exams, progress in studies.
5.1.8. To collect data on the characteristics and assessment of the activity of each student of the group (results of the module and semester knowledge control, productive discipline, participation in scientific and research, public and useful work, participation in artistic amateur performance and sport and mass events, public instructions and organizational skills, receiving awards, acknowledgements, charters, the facts about offences and imposed penalties etc.)
5.1.9. To assist students of the group to participate in scientific conferences and seminars, competitions and contests of students’ works.
5.1.10. To help students of the group in the organization of cultural and educational measures and to facilitate their participation in contests, festivals, concerts etc.
5.1.11. To conduct educational work in the students’ dormitories and to cooperate with the Student Council Dormitory to improve living conditions of students.
5.1.12. To provide necessary contacts (if needed) with parents of the students of the academic group, to inform about the results of students’ study.
5.1.13. To take part in the work of tutors’ seminars (according to the plan).
5.1.14. To plan and to report about the done work to the Department and to the Dean’s office.
5.1.15. To meet regularly with the group to solve current and perspective questions (discussing the results of the current and semester knowledge control of the students; evaluation of the student’s activity; facts about breaking the rules of internal regulations by the students etc.).
5.1.16. The tutor is responsible for proper performance of the duties, provided by this provision.
5.2. Duties of the chief tutors of the Faculties
5.2.1. To form a plan of the chief tutors for the academic year according to the plan of the educational work of the BSMU for a calendar and academic year and to control its execution.
5.2.2. To give tutors of the students’ groups of the Faculty methodological help in forming the individual plans of work with the attached group.
5.2.3. To give the Head of the Tutors’ Council necessary information about educational work at the Faculty.
5.2.4. To analyze monthly the tutors’ reports of the Faculty and to give information to the Head of the Tutors’ Council.
5.2.5. To make a graph of attendance student’s dormitories by the tutors of the Faculty in agreement of the Head of the Tutors Council, Deans of the Faculties, the Chiefs of the Departments.
5.2.6. To monitor the compliance of the schedule of attending students’ dormitories by the tutors of the students’ groups of the faculty.
5.2.7. To monitor the quality of educational work of the tutors at the dormitories.
5.2.8. To give organizational and methodological help to the Deans’ offices of the Faculty.
5.2.9. To organize educational work at the Faculty.
5.2.10. To report at the Scientific Council of the Faculties about the state of educational work at the Faculty.
5.2.11. To participate in the sub-faculty meetings, which deals with the questions concerning the educational work of the tutors of the Departments of the Faculty.
5.2.12. To inform the Chiefs of Departments of the effectiveness of tutors working at the departments of the faculty.
5.2.13. To encourage the students of the faculty to conduct and participate in cultural and sports events of the university.
5.2.14. To control attendance of the tutors of the faculty of the seminars of tutors.
5.3. Duties of the Head of Tutors
5.3.1. To submit a proposal of appointing university teachers as tutors of student academic groups.
5.3.2. To plan the themes of the seminars of tutors.
5.3.3. To organize and conduct the seminars of tutors according to a comprehensive schedule of administration, the Academic Council and public organizations of the university for the academic year.
5.3.4. To coordinate the work of chief tutors of the faculties and of those of student academic groups.
5.3.5. To provide correction of working plans of chief tutors of the faculties and of those of student academic groups.
5.3.6. To organize participation of university students in charity events at the university, local, regional and national levels.
5.3.7. To ensure participation of students in actions targeted at the environmental protection and improvement of the environment.
5.3.8. To take part in leisure time activities of students at the university sports camp “Health” BSMU.
5.3.9. To initiate participation of students in the cultural life of the university, the city and the region (visiting performances, exhibition halls, museums, watching movies, visiting concerts, going on city tours and tours around Ukraine, etc.).
5.3.10. To organize participation of students and tutors in celebrations held at the university in accordance with the schedule.
5.3.11. To inform regularly the Heads of Departments of the effectiveness of tutors.
5.3.12. To provide control of tutors of the university in accordance with
individual working plans.
5.3.13. To monitor the realization of educational work of tutors in dormitories.
5.3.14. To analyze monthly the efficiency of tutors at faculties (based on reports of chief tutors).
5.3.15. To prepare information on the status of educational work at the university (quarterly, semi-annually, once a calendar year, once an academic year).
6.1. To make offers at the Dean’s office of the faculty as to the improvement of cooperation between students and a tutor. If necessary, participate in working out of the testimonials for students of academic groups.
6.2. To make offers at the administration of the faculty as to the encouragement of the students for success in educational, scientific, sports, cultural, and social work.
6.3. To make offers at the administration of the faculty and dormitories for students as to the imposition of penalties for violation of educational and labor discipline, public order, etc.
6.4. To participate in discussions as to the encouragement of the students or the imposition of penalties on them.
6.5. To make offers as to the improvement of the educational process, living conditions, everyday life and recreation of the students, appointment and dismissal of a group monitor.
6.6. To make offers as to the provision of financial assistance for students from low-income families, as to award a bonus for excellent studying, active participation in public and social life of the faculty or university.
6.7. To participate in matters of scholarships and other social benefits, accommodation in dormitories.
6.8. A tutor has the right to inform parents of a student of his violation of the Internal Regulations and poor results.
6.9. A tutor is entitled to attend lectures, practical classes and seminars, students’ reworks in agreement with the chief of the department.
6.10. To arrange psychological counseling by the medical-psychological center of BSMU in case of necessity.
6.11. To participate in productive meetings of the faculty.
6.12. A tutor may be given encouragement in form of a gratitude, certificates, prizes, cash prizes for good performance according to the proposal of chief tutors of the faculties, chairman of the board of tutors and pro-rector of scientific and pedagogical work and education by means of the rector’s order.
7.Indicators ofthe quality of the tutor’s work.
7.1. The tutor’s work is promptly recorded in a tutor’s diary.
7.2. Reports are submitted to the chief tutors of the faculties in time.
7.3. The efficiency of the tutor is assessed according to the questioning of students of academic group directed by this tutor.
7.4. The tutor’s activity at the seminars of tutors.
7.5. The tutor’s activity at conducting educational work in dormitories.
7.6. Educational work of tutors is a compulsory item on the agenda of department meetings once a semester.
7.7. A tutor may be invited to report on his or her work at the meeting of the Coordinating Council for Humanitarian Affairs and Education, dean’s office, academic council of the faculty.
7.8. The tutor’s work is taken into account when deciding the election/re-election of the tutor to the post or submission to academic rank.
7.9. Performance of tutor’s duties is necessarily taken into account in determining different types of promotion of employees.
7.9.1. The criteria for the efficiency of the tutors’ work are:
7.9.2. Good results, studies and everyday discipline of the students of the group.
7.9.2. A high rating on the basis of students’ participation in socially, politically and patriotically orientated activities.
7.9.3. Students’ active participation in the affairs of the group, in social life of the faculty, university, creative associations and sports clubs, etc.
7.10. A tutor is responsible for the improper performance of duties stipulated by this principle.
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