• Українська
  • English

University’s Hostels

Bukovinian State Medical University provides accommodation for students in the hostels. In total BSMU has 7 hostels. University’s hostels are a corridor type and block type buildings with rooms designed to be shared by 3-4 students. Foreign students live in the hostels No 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 

Our benefits:

  • We provide students with the separate female hostels, that distinguishes us among other ukrainian universities. 
  • Our hostels offer students everything they need for student life: peace and quiet for studying, adequate living conditions, services for daily chores and shared fun with fellow students.  All rooms are furnished and equipped with other necessary stuff (bed linen, blankets, pillows etc.).
  • Rooms for self-studying furnished with desks and chairs, printing and copying services included.
  • Laundry, gym, billiard room are available.
  • There is a Lending library at the Hostel No 5 + reading hall, containing 6480 manuals of the scientific and methodical literature in English. 
  • Canteen that offers dishes cooked according to the food preferences of foreign students. Moreover, the canteen is used for celebrating different religious and national holidays of the countries which the students come from.
  • There are isolation wards in the hostels that are used to provide rooms for sick students and therefore prevent spreading of the infectious diseases.

What about the distance from the campuses? 

Most of the housing complexes are located within walking distance or/and close to the bus stops. This gives you three advantages: you can wake up later, save money on transportation, and arrive to the university earlier.

Cultural events are not organized in the hostels. Such events are planned by the Students Council of BSMU together with mentors and deans, and are held in the Palace “Academichnyi” or disco clubs (provided the agreement is signed). 

Prices for hostels: approximately $550 per year. Please note that prices can vary each year.


EXAMPLE (Fill in with your personal data)

Full name Course Purpose of the payment


Number of hostel
Solanki Vanita Anil 1 HOSTEL FEES 5



It`s mandatory for students to fill in the purpose of payment: it has to be HOSTEL FEES and NUMBER OF HOSTEL (in case it`s not written ─ payment will be automatically transferred as the tuition fee for studying).

Only for 6 year students annual hostel fee calculates for 10 months instead of 12.

Once fees are paid, it will not be refundable/adjustable under any circumstances.



Addresses and photos:

  • Hostel No 4(Bilousova Str., 20, tel.: +38 (0372) 53-84-02)
  • Hostel No 5 (Chernihivska Str., 1, tel.: +38 (0372) 53-02-97)
  • Hostel No 6 (Ivana Boguna Str., 10)


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