Буковинський державний медичний університет

  • Українська
  • English
Випуск іноземних студентів у БДМУ в 2024 році

Випуск іноземних студентів у БДМУ в 2024 році

Сьогодні розпочалися урочистості з нагоди випуску студентів Буковинського державного медичного факультету. Омріяні дипломи сьогодні отримали випускники медичного факультету №3 та №4 з числа іноземних громадян.


Dear Bukovinian State Medical University graduates!

I sincerely congratulate you on the successful completion of your studies and receiving your diplomas. This is an important milestone in your life that opens new horizons and opportunities. Your studies have been challenging, but you have coped with that and achieved your dream goal.

You have studied in difficult time of COVID 19 pandemia and russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, but we have implemented innovative integrating learning activities including scenario-based learning, simulation medicine, CCD, Virtual patients, OSCE.

This year we are starting a 1-year internship program for foreign students. I sincerely invite you to continue your education in our university.

Bukovinian State Medical University is a modern, successful higher education institution, with a high level professional, scientific and pedagogical academic staff.

In the spring of 2024, our university had the distinct honor of welcoming Viktor Lyashko, the Minister of Health of Ukraine, and Harsh Kumar Jain, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of India to Ukraine. Their visit affirmed the exceptional quality of our higher education institution.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation for the remarkable reception extended to the Ambassador and for the ceremony organized in honor of his visit.

The University prestige in our country and at the international level is formed by a high quality of graduates, and also by the level of scientific research and the quality of medical care provided by the University staff. Throughout its history, the University has trained more than 30,000 highly qualified professionals in the healthcare area, who nowadays work on the five continents of our Planet. Today you join a large community of BSMU graduates who contribute to the development of medical science and practice.

There are many new accomplishments and victories ahead. May your professional activity be successful, and may every day bring you pleasure from work and new knowledge. I wish you health, inspiration and self-confidence.

I wish you success and hope that for you BSMU was an exciting, challenging and diverse place to be!

It is a pleasure being with you today, and I hope that this was a great experience for everyone!

We sincerely and humbly thank our Defenders who are now protecting the territorial integrity and our peaceful and victorious future.

Glory to BSMU graduates! Glory to Ukraine!


Respectfully and with best wishes Igor GERUSH, BSMU Rector




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